Application for Palletizing Machines | NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group

InfoWeb Marketplace

venerdì 26 gennaio 2018Descrizione :
SYMACH palletizing machines distinctively feature the individual placement of products on the pallet. NORD drive units, comprising geared motors and decentralized frequency inverters, provide the required dynamic performance with fresh design possibilities for machine developers that result in improved reliability and a variety of cost savings. Palettiermaschinen von SYMACH Palletizers haben die Besonderheit, dass sie jedes Produkt einzeln auf Paletten platzieren. NORD-Antriebseinheiten - mit dem dezentralen Frequenzumrichter SK 200E - bieten die notwendige dynamische Performance, eröffnen den Entwicklern neue konstruktive Möglichkeiten und führen zu Kosteneinsparungen. For more information, visit our website: You can also visit our Twitter Channel: Learn more at Linkedin: About NORD DRIVESYSTEMS A developer and manufacturer of drive technology for over 50 years, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS is one of the world's leading suppliers of full-scale, comprehensive drive solutions. NORD's portfolio ranges from standard drives to customized solutions for demanding application requirements, e.g. based on energy-efficient or explosion-protected drives. Subsidiaries and distributors in 89 countries around the world and an extensive service network ensure minimal lead times and provide customer-oriented services wherever needed on short notice. NORD’s wide variety of gear types covers torques from 10 Nm to 250 kNm and more. The company also supplies motors with outputs from .12 kW to 1,000 kW and manufactures frequency inverters up to 160 kW. NORD's inverter line-up features conventional models for installation in control cabinets as well as design types for fully integrated drive units in decentralized automation environments.

Ricerche correlate aMeccanica, Trasmissione di potenza

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